Re: [libxml++] sax parser

On Fri, 2003-10-24 at 12:20, Christophe de VIENNE wrote:

> Nothing in the SaxParser itself will do that for you : informations are 
> given to the callbacks as soon as they are parsed.
> If you need to reorder the informations, keep them in memory and do what 
> you need when you got everything you need.

On a re-read of the original post, I see the order request he stated is
different than what I was talking about. Since the SAX parser uses a map
internally, it is trivial for him to get them in whatever order he
desires. In the on_start_element() callback, just get an attribute value
using attributes["TITLE"] and then attributes["TEXT"]. I am sorry I made
this more confusing by raising a different issue--original order

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