RE: [libxml++] sax_parser example: entity not defined

> > And that's what I'm concerned about. I find it surprising 
> that libxml 
> > would be broken by default, so I worry that we have done something 
> > wrong. I will try to find the time to do those C tests.
> Maybe "broken" is a strong word to use in the technical 
> perspective. By broken, I refer mostly to usability.

If it says that the reference is undeclared, and it is declared, then it's
broken, I think.

Again, there is nothing wrong with what your new stuff does. I think it's
wonderful. I just want to solve this little question. I need to do the

> BTW, here is how librsvg's entity-related callbacks. You 
> think we should take this approach instead?
> static xmlEntityPtr
> rsvg_get_entity (void *data, const xmlChar *name)
> {
> 	RsvgHandle *ctx = (RsvgHandle *)data;
> 	return (xmlEntityPtr)g_hash_table_lookup 
> (ctx->entities, name); }

Not until we find a problem with your simpler way.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net

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