[libxml++] Vote: templates everywhere v. Glib::ustring: results

This won't actually happen for a little while, so I'm still ready to see
more votes, but at the moment the underwhelming response is like so:

A (Glib::ustring) : 2
B (templates everywhere) : 3
C (Don't care) : 0

When I add my own finally-decided A vote that makes it undecided. I'm fairly
confident that our maintainer Christophe de Vienne will vote A when he gets
around to it so that would make the result lean slightly towards A. Any one
else could interpret the vote completely differently, but this is not a
court of law. If it is then I am Judge Nutmeg.

Again, 1.0 will happen first anyway, but at the moment I'm thinking of this:
-  libxml++ 1.2 (or maybe we'll call it 2.0 to allow for emergency
API-breaking-and-refreezing for 1.0) will use Glib::ustring. 
-  If they feel like doing the work, some people will fork
libxml++_templated, which should be parallel installable with libxml++, with
a different library name, headers directory, and pkg-config .pc file. I'm
happy for this fork to exist in the libxml++ cvs but with a completely
separate module/directory name. Hopefully we can steal ideas from each other
as the APIs develop.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net

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