RE: [Re: [libxml++] separate parse_*() functions]

> From: Christophe de Vienne [mailto:cdevienne alphacent com] 
> BTW I think we should have a look to xmlReader before 
> freezing the API. 
> Contributions are welcome.

OK. I don't know anything about it, and even though Daniel Veillard is
enthusiastic, I am hesitant to add non-XML-spec features. Any large new
separate API that doesn't stabilize in time could be punted to the unstable

But anyway, I think the freeze should happen when one of these happens:
1. glibmm 2.3.0 is released, so we can start the unstable branch. That's
waiting for glib 2.3.0 and might be soon.
2. People are eager to start doing new stuff in the unstable branch.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net 

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