Re: [Libxmlplusplus-general] TextReader class

On Fri, Jan 24, 2003 at 01:08:36PM +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:

> On Fri, 2003-01-24 at 12:57, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
> > The recent flurry of activity on this list has reminded me that I
> > prepared a simple C++ wrapper for the new xmlTextReader interface in
> > libxml, described here:
> > 
> > I'm sure it's incomplet and inkorrekt, but would you guys be interested
> > in seeing it? You'd be free to include it in libxml++ if you wished
> > (with whatever changes are necessary to make it work properly!)
> I'd rather not add something until it becomes a standard. Also, didn't
> Daniel recently add an xmlTextReader to libxml itself?

Sorry, that's what I meant: I did a libxml++-style wrapper for libxml's
xmlTextReader (similar to how the xmlpp::SaxParser uses libxml's
xmlSAXHandler API)
> Also, this should probably use libxml++ classes in its interface, and
> maybe be implemented in terms of libxml++.

It uses xmlpp:Node class.
It uses std::string currently, but could (should) switch to glib::ustring
when libxml++ does.
Apart from that, I couldn't see any way to re-use more of libxml++ with
the xmlTextReader interface - it's quite a simple and independent API.
> Maybe it's something for libxml++ 1.2.

Well, maybe.  I just wanted to mention I'd done it, in case anyone else
was thinking about it. If anyone does want to do it properly I'll send
them my class as a start (I didn't implement all methods, as some are
either very new or not implemented yet in libxml itself)

Because it needs a (mostly) complete xmlTextReader from libxml it requires
libxml 2.5 or greater, which I assume is too tight a requirement for
libxml++ at the moment.

Anyway, announcement made, I'll get back to work  :-)


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