Re: [Re: [Re: [Re: [Re: [libxml++] UTF8 support]]]]

Murray Cumming wrote:

Philipp Krause <pkk spth de> wrote:
Not that this, or the use of glibmm, would definitely go into the unstable
branch only anyway.
Of course, one shouldn't have to recompile applications when new minor stable versions are released.

So how can we give you this while also giving you a templated library?

We could split it: a templated libraray, and a set of wrapper functions around the template functions. When someone uses the header file of the latter variant he won't have to recompile. Those who want templates are willing to pay the cost of recompilation and can use the template headers directly. The users of the wrapper functions would still benefit from improvements in the templates.

Philipp Krause

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