Re: [[libxml++] Out of Office]

Christophe de VIENNE <cdevienne alphacent com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> For personnal reasons I'll be out for at least a couple of week.
> Murray, I let you make decisions on patches inclusions if needed. Thanks.

Thanks for the info. I will only be around at weekends for the next couple of
weeks. I'll make sure to deal with pending stuff though.

> As far as the iterator stuffs, the NodeList type which is a Forward
> is ok for me, and I think a const container will be needed.

That API change is unfinished, and doesn't seem likely to be finished soon, so
I will simply revert it until it is finished. Nothing else seems to depend on
it. I will merge the branches until we have some real need to maintain 2
branches again.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net

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