Re: [libxml++] Re: [Libxmlplusplus-general] Node ownership

Murray Cumming wrote:

1) you suggest an additional member: 'owned_by_libxml', which isn't
   necessary as you can determine by inspecting the _impl whether it
   is linked into a tree.

Yes, that might work, but I'd prefer not to access libxml's private

what is a private structure ? I agree that we have to be very cautious
to only use things part of the public API. I probably should ask DV
which members of the various structs he considers public and which not.

2) you need an accessible destructor, so you can delete the node
   explicitely, after having checked that you are allowed to

   if (!node->is_owned_by_libxml()) delete node;

   or equivalent. That doesn't look very nice.

Or just assume that you know what you are doing. The existence of an
is_owned_by_libxml() method wouldn't force you to use it.

Yes, but even then I'd prefer to be able to just throw
'invalid_argument' or something, instead of watching the application

But being able to use the delete operator would be very hacky, because
it implies a circular dependency that you'd need to break out explicitely:

  if (_impl)
    _impl->private = 0; // make sure this destructor isn't called twice


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