[libxml++] Re: [Libxmlplusplus-general] autogen.sh without configure?

Christophe de VIENNE wrote:

But after step 2 the Makefile are not generated, and the rule 'dist', which I personnaly use to make the source release, will not work...

I don't understand. Yes, to be able to 'make' anything, you first need
to configure. That's how it works now, and it will continue to be that
way. What's holding you back from calling 'make dist' in the build tree
(which *could* be identical to the source tree).

Unless one really doesn't want to use 'make dist', I don't really get the goal of separating step 2 and 3. The rare times I needed to do that I did it by hand for once.

again, a distribution will contain the 'configure' script, as well as
all the *.in templates. This means the user doesn't need any autotools.
Further, users can build libxml++ without write access to the source
tree. (that is important when you are working on large projects with
automated build processes, where you want to control who can modify


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