[Libxmlplusplus-general] Re: libxml: Offer of help

On Mon, 2002-10-28 at 16:27, Christophe de Vienne wrote:
> Le Vendredi 25 Octobre 2002 23:33, vous avez écrit :
> > Hi, you probably know me as the maintainer of gtkmm.
> Hi !
> > I have often said how much I like Xerces-C++, but
> > I think I've finally given up on the current
> > maintainers - there is no concept of API stability
> > and "make install" doesn't even work.
> As far as API stability, the goal is to keep libxml++ as simple as possible. 
> So I think this will satisfy your needs.

API stability isn't about API simplicity. It's about the API not
changing. We'll get there.

> > So, I'd like to start using libxml++. There are a
> > couple of things that I'd like to fix first:
> >
> > 1. Use pkg-config instead of the old-style funky
> > .m4 file. Or possibly, in addition to, if libxml
> > does both.
> Well, somebody else asked me for that. So  I guess it would be nice to add it 
> quickly.
> > 2. Have each class in its own .h/.cc files, with
> > one main libxml++.h header file that #includes them.
> That's one thing I wanted to do also. I'm going to do it soon.
> >
> > It would be easiest if you just gave me cvs write
> > access and let me make these changes myself. I
> > guess that you trust me.
> Well, that's ok for me. I would accept your help on the pkg-config stuffs 
> since I don't know this well. But I want to keep the 'old-style funky' method 
> too.

OK, but it actually makes life more difficult for people if they use it
and is more stuff to maintain. Well, as long as I can use pkg-config for
my stuff.

Note that libxml++ should also install its headers in a versioned
directory, like gtk+ and gtkmm (and probably libxml) currently do. This
will allow future major versions to coexist. We can do this later.

> About splitting the files, I will do it for the next release (0.15).
> For now I'll release the 0.14pre2 with namespace added, and XMLTree getting 
> encoding at file reading today or tomorrow. It should become the 0.14 release 
> on next monday unless I have some bug reports in the week.
> After I froze the 0.14 version (I don't really want to make branches for a so 
> small module, unless we discover bugs in a past release),

No, there is no need whatsoever for branches.

>  feel free to modify 
> packaging stuffs so it will be included in the 0.15 version (release by the 
> end of November the sooner, end of the year at last).
> I'll grant you the cvs access this week.

Thanks. Please email me when you're ready for me to start.

> > I also think that you should create a mailing list
> > because it's annoying to have to keep checking the
> > online forums.
> Good idea. I did not see before that sourceforge proposed such a thing. I 
> would have done it already if so.
> It's created since a few minutes, and should be usable tomorrow at least. The 
> name is libxmlplusplus-general

You need to remove/hide the public forums and support area now. I can
help you with that kind of thing if you give me access.

Murray Cumming
murray usa net

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