NTLM2 Session auth

Hi all,
    I've recently had occasion to check my e-mail via Evolution
(which, of course, uses libsoup) on a server that doesn't support
regular NTLMv1 auth.  As far as I can tell, that's all that libsoup
supports today?

    So, I've put together a patch that adds NTLM2 Session support.
(Not the same as NTLMv2 -- I added the one that's automatically
negotiated off of regular NTLM, not the entirely separate protocol.)

    I'm just wondering if you would consider merging this
functionality?  Or if someone else is already working on something
better?  I'm by no means an NTLM expert; I'm just following the
protocol spec.

    I've attempted to post Ubuntu (source and binary) packages to:
if they're of interest to anyone.  I don't know how libsoup
development works, but I'd be glad to post the patch for review.


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