Re: Having trouble getting more than one chunk sent with chunked encoding

Does anyone have any pointers as to what I may be doing wrong? Or is
this an issue with libsoup and I should file a bug report?



On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 7:15 PM, Pedro Côrte-Real <pedro pedrocr net> wrote:

I'm trying to stream a chunked response in a SoupMessage taken from a
Gstreamer pipeline. This is the same case of my other email about
SoupMultipart. I am temporarily using the multipartmux Gstreamer
element to do the actual multipart encoding so I just need libsoup to
stream the bits in the response. I can get the response all setup and
the first chunk sent but after that no other chunk gets sent although
I'm unpausing the message. The app just seems to sit there buffering
the chunks (consuming memory) and the HTTP client doesn't receive

My only hypothesis is that somehow having libsoup and Gstreamer on the
same mainloop is causing issues. You can see the whole code here:

My send_chunk function seems pretty straightforward:

static void send_chunk (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) {
  GstBuffer *buffer = (GstBuffer *) user_data;
  SoupMessage *msg = SOUP_MESSAGE(key);
  SoupServer *server = SOUP_SERVER(value);
  GstMapInfo map;

  gst_buffer_map (buffer, &map, GST_MAP_READ);
  //g_print ("[%p] writing chunk of %lu bytes\n", msg, (unsigned
  soup_message_body_append (msg->response_body, SOUP_MEMORY_COPY,, map.size);
  gst_buffer_unmap (buffer, &map);

  soup_server_unpause_message (server, msg);

The first chunk gets sent and I get a wrote-chunk signal. After that
the program just sits there eating memory and no other wrote-chunk
signals are sent and indeed the HTTP client doesn't see the response

Any pointers would be very welcome.


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