Re: Correct way to cancel a server-side request?

> > Question: Is .disconnect() the best/only way to do this?

> There's a test in tests/connection-test.c (or tests/misc-test.c in

> 	sockfd = soup_socket_get_fd (sock);
>     #ifdef G_OS_WIN32
> 	shutdown (sockfd, SD_BOTH);
>     #else
> 	shutdown (sockfd, SHUT_RDWR);
>     #endif
> (The SoupServer will then get an error trying to read from or write to
> the socket, and then it will clean everything up properly from there.)
> Maybe there ought to be API for doing this less kludgily...

If you're suggesting something like Server.cancel_message() then that
has the merit of making the actions of the caller explicit. It also
gives Server the opportunity to do something more sensible than
express an unexpected I/O error.

As it stands, my stumbling across a mechanism that happens to work and
you using a different mechanism based on internal knowledge does
suggest that we are both relying on a side-effect to achieve the same

I do note that your method is safer than mine. By closing the fd I
have created the possibility that the fd may be re-used by another
open/accept and then two requests could operate on the same fd -
obviously not good. But do I get brownie points for at least using an
API call rather than an OS call :-)


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