libsoup not working (Cannot connect to destination)

Hi all,

i have problems with libsoup. i am build an embedded linuxdistribution based on uClibc from scratch. all programs are cross-compiled from source.

i would like watch a youtube video with gstreamer with command:

GST_DEBUG_NO_COLOR=1 GST_DEBUG="*:5" gst-launch 2>/storage/debug_youtube.log \ playbin uri="";

that fails with follow errorcodes in the logfile:

0:00:02.663381099 1833 0x8178d60 DEBUG souphttpsrc gstsouphttpsrc.c:775:gst_soup_http_src_finished_cb:<source> finished 0:00:02.663436274 1833 0x8178d60 WARN souphttpsrc gstsouphttpsrc.c:791:gst_soup_http_src_finished_cb:<source> error: Cannot connect to destination 0:00:02.663482369 1833 0x8178d60 WARN souphttpsrc gstsouphttpsrc.c:791:gst_soup_http_src_finished_cb:<source> error: libsoup status code 4
0:00:02.664553105 1833 0x8178d60 DEBUG souphttpsrc gstsouphttpsrc.c:925:gst_soup_http_src_response_cb:<source> got response 4: Cannot connect to destination 0:00:02.664610585 1833 0x8178d60 WARN souphttpsrc gstsouphttpsrc.c:960:gst_soup_http_src_parse_status:<source> error: "": Cannot connect to destination 0:00:02.664659334 1833 0x8178d60 WARN souphttpsrc gstsouphttpsrc.c:960:gst_soup_http_src_parse_status:<source> error: libsoup status code 4

i have found out libsoup not working. when i try to run various test programs from tests-dir from libsoup i have the follow error:

# ./chunk-test -d
message failed: 4 Cannot connect to destination
sent length mismatch: 0 vs 17 vs 0
client/server data mismatch: 01a840a64117cae7d46ed81493f690ac vs (null)
message failed: 4 Cannot connect to destination
client/server data mismatch: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e vs (null)
PUT w/ temporary buffers
message failed: 4 Cannot connect to destination
client/server data mismatch: 4e03dd5f05f68ca4f8941fd80c63e0b2 vs (null)

chunk-test: 7 error(s).

# ./context-test -d
Test 1: blocking the main thread does not block other thread
unexpected status: 4 Cannot connect to destination
unexpected status: 4 Cannot connect to destination
Test 2: a session with its own context is independent of the main loop.
unexpected status: 4 Cannot connect to destination

context-test: 3 error(s).

libsoup i have compiled with/ and without gnutls and with libproxy (recent and svn version).

when i try

readelf -a build.OpenELEC.i386.uClibc/toolchain/i686-linux-uclibc/sysroot/usr/lib/ |grep libr

output is:

0x00000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
0x00000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [] 0x00000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
[stephan dv9000 OpenELEC]$

why libsoup doesnt need libproxy - lib? i cant compile with gconf support, because i have problems cross compiling liborbit and libproxy is smaller.

is my problem a proxy related problem or how i can found where the problem is?

can you help me with this?

thank you


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