Re: Examples of XML-RPC or Auth servers using libsoup?

Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri wrote:
> However I see no documentation, examples or uses of libsoup as a XMLRPC, SOAP 
> or Authentication in the server role, just client.

The latest versions of libsoup (2.2.94 and later) give an example of how
to do server-side authentication in the documentation.
(docs/reference/server-howto.xml if you don't want to build the docs).

Unfortunately, the people who wrote the SOAP and XML-RPC code only
needed to do client-side stuff, so no one ever wrote server-side code
for that. If you are interested in working on adding that, let me know
and we can figure out the best way to add it. Otherwise, it will go onto
my to-do list, but that's a pretty long list. :)

-- Dan

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