Re: [sigc] sigc::internal::signal_emit1 SIGSEGV

Den 2016-12-16 kl. 13:25, skrev Miguel París Díaz:
I have noticed that sometimes I get SIGSEGV in:
sigc::internal::signal_emit1 (/usr/include/sigc++-2.0/sigc++/signal.h:1004)

I am using the next version:
ii  libsigc++-2.0-dev:amd64                         2.6.2-1

It his fixed in a greater version?

Thanks in advance!!

Miguel París Díaz
Computer/Software engineer.
Researcher and architect in

It's not possible to answer your question without more information. When does the segfault happen? In what program? The bug could be in libsigc++, like you suspect, or it could be in the code that uses libsigc++. It's impossible to tell from your short description. If you can supply a small test case, it would probably be easy to tell where the bug is, and whether it has been fixed.


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