Re: [sigc] How to install libsigc++ in Windows with MSVS2010

If you use, you must first install mm-common.

If you have downloaded a tarball, it's easier to skip and just run configure and make.

Please send questions such as this one to libsigc-list gnome org instead of to me personally. Then other people have a chance to reply, if I'm not available for some time.


Den 2014-08-14 10:52, swpustc skrev:


    I get some difficulties when I install libsigc++-2.3.2 in Windows7.  I cannot run ./ in MinGW32 and its show 'mm-common-prepare: command not found'.  What should I do? Or where I can find the installation documentation?

    Thank you.

        2014-8-14 16:44:27(UTC+8)

中国科学技术大学 宋万鹏
Wanpeng Song
University of Science and Technology of China

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