Re: [sigc] How does std::function<> work with libsigc++

On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 7:03 AM, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:
C+11 has std::function<> which is a bit like sigc::slot, though C++11
doesn't have anything like sigc::signal<>. I played with that here:

I've noticed that std::function<> works with libsigc++, as in the code
below, but I wonder why it works. Can anyone explain?

I have used boost::function with sigc++, and my guess when it worked is that sigc++::slot (like boost slots and other similar libraries, including our own that we use for ardour) only requires an operator()() (i.e. functor invocation), which std::function also provides. last time i looked, sigc::slot is heavily templated, so any class that provides the required (minimal) API will work.

what made you expect that it would *not* work?

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