[sigc] libsigc++ compiling

Hi all,
I am trying to compile gtkmm in mingw+msys for windows.
To compile gtkmm I need to compile and install libsigc++, glibmm and so on.
To compile glibmm I need to compile and install libsigc++ first.
I successfully compiled and installed libsigc++. But when I compiled glibmm,
an error occured. It mentioned that sigc-2.0.lib is not in the specific folder.
However after compiling and installing libsigc++. only sigc-2.0.dll was generated. I cannot find sigc-2.0.lib.

Therefore I wondering whether I can modify the makefile or the configure file so that .lib file can be generated instead of .dll.

Am I right? And how to do it?

Thank you very much.

Master Candidate / Department of Computer Science
Real-time & Embedded Systems Lab

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
335 Gwahak-ro(373-1 Guseong-dong), Yuseong-gu,

Daejeon 305-701, Korea

Tel: +82-10-6760-1116
jinma06njuee gmail com

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