Re: [sigc] usage of sigc

On 07/31/2012 01:55 PM, Paul Davis wrote:
using sigc++ and Qt could be problematic. both libraries use similar
terminology. if you want signals+slots and you use Qt, you should probably
use Qt's own signals+slots rather than two different approaches in the same

They both work well together, provided that a couple of tweaks are done so that Qt's symbols don't clash with libsigc++'s. If I'm not mistaken, all that's needed to mix libsigc++ with Qt's signals and slots is to include libsigc++'s headers before any Qt header, and refer to Qt's signals and slots through the Q_SIGNALS and Q_SLOTS keyword. It has also been suggested that a #define QT_NO_KEYWORDS is also added to the source code files where libsigc++ is used.

I've developed a small program where I've used libsigc++ with Qt and, by following this, I haven't had any problem whatsoever.

Hope this helps,
Rui Maciel

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