Re: [sigc] Libsigc++

On Wed, 2009-10-14 at 12:26 -0700, Doug Barbieri wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Murray,
> Is libsigc++ still live? I tried to get to the cvs but it does not work.
> I noticed gnome moved to git, but I can't figure out how to access the
> developer code.

It's the same as for any other GNOME module. Yes, I don't like git much
either. But anyway:

> I just signed up to the libsigc++ mailing list

Please use that in future rather than emailing me directly.

>  and was looking to see if
> there were any plans to port the library to using cmake. I require
> porting to cmake for something my company is doing in house,

I am surprised that you need to do anything but ./configure;make all
install, maybe with some configure options and/or standard build
environment variables.

>  so I added
> cmake support. So far I have everything except doc and tests. Would you
> be interested in my CMakeLists.txt files? I would gladly send them to
> you if you would like to incorporate them into your project.

I guess it wouldn't do any harm to add it to git, and maybe to dist it
in the tarball.

> The really nice thing about having your project using CMake (apart from
> the fact that it's much easier in my opinion to maintain as opposed to
> dealing with autoconf/make) is that you won't have to maintain the win32
> projects/solution file you ship with the product since CMake will
> generate those for you on the win32 platform.  You can also use CPack to
> generate win32 installers (as well as debian packages and good ole
> tar.gz distributions). I don't have the cpack specs in yet, but I would
> be glad to do that for you if you wish.
> Take care, and thanks for such a great library! I use it a lot!
> - --
> R. Douglas Barbieri
> doug dooglio net
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murrayc murrayc com

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