Re: [sigc] Generic member functors

JinXXXX Kili Billl schrieb:

I have been trying to use sigc++ library to make a kind of a generic member functor, but I didn't succeed.

Basically, I would like to create a functor, to which I would be able assign arbitrary member functions of any class derived from a previously chosen base class. I tried this, but with not much luck. I am attaching a simple example where I would like to show what exactly I mean.

I hope that something like this is possible with sigc++.

I have also come across several ambiguities with sigc++, which are commented in the source file. I don't understand the behavior of sigc++ there, and I marked these spots, so you can look at them.

There are no ambiguities with sigc++. There are templates involved, so you can't e.g. assign a mem_functor typed for a child to a mem_functor typed for a Parent. And I think you are mixing slots and functors...

A slot represents a callable entity, no matter what functor is behind. So, a slot is the generic functor you want to have (only knowing about the return type and parameters, but loosing compile-time information about the original functor).
What you want to do is the following:

Parent p;
Child c;

sigc::slot<int, Parent*, int, double, char> myclosure;

myclosure = sigc::mem_fun(&Parent::f);
const int ret1 = myclosure(&p, 0, 1.0, 'c');

myclosure = sigc::mem_fun(&Child::g);
const int ret2 = myclosure(&c, 0, 1.0, 'c');

Klaus Triendl

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