Re: [sigc] How to compile a sample code and test it?

hello Dongpyo,
I'm not very familiar with developing on a mac, but there might be a
typo in your include directory, see below.

On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 8:23 AM, Dongpyo Hong <dhong gist ac kr> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just installed sigc++-2.0 onto my Mac OS X (intel MacBook Pro).
> I did like this:
> $g++ sigc_alien.cpp -o egl -I/user/local/include/sigc++-2.0

-I/user/... should probably be -I/usr/... (no 'e')
If you have 'pkg-config' installed, it would probably be better to use
that instead of specifying the include directories manually.  For
example, something like:
g++ sigc_alien.cpp -o egl `pkg-config --cflags --libs sigc++-2.0`

> -I/usr/local/lib/sigc++-2.0/include -L/usr/local/lib -lsigc-2.0
> And in the source code, I included <sigc++/sigc++.h>
> compiler complains :
> sigc++/sigc++.h: No such file or directory
> And idea?


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