Re: [sigc] Socket library using libsigc++?

On Wednesday 03 August 2005 19:22, Ian Remmler wrote:
> Hi,
> QT has a thing called a QtSocketNotifier which allows
> asynchronous socket handling via QT's signals and slots.  I
> prefer gtkmm, and of course libsigc++, so I was wondering if
> there is something that provides similay functionality using
> those libraries rather than QT?  Basically I'm looking for
> something that will watch a socket and fire off a signal when
> there is something to do (e.g. there is new data to read).
> Thanks,
> 	- Ian.

Here is something I have written for glib/GTK+:

It is similar to QSocketNotifier, and executes a callback passed as a 
libsigc++ slot when a file descriptor is available for reading or writing.

It is released under the GPL but if you want to use it under the LGPL that 
would be OK.  (I was proposing to change the licence anyway.)

As has been mentioned, glibmm also has something similar.


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