MSVC Success! [was] Re: [sigc] test tarball: libsigc++ 2.0.6 (test1)

schulze aept rub de wrote:

Ah - I forgot that your sigc++/functors/slot.h doesn't get rebuilt from the modified sigc++/functors/macros/slot.h.m4 since you don't use GNU make. Please either rebuild it manually or wait until I get around to create a new test tarball later today.

Dumb mistake on my part - I did a build in Cygwin to the updated slot.h, then did a clean "debug" build in MSVC, and things seem to be working like a charm: all tests pass without error!

Before you go to release however, there are some mismatched settings in the MSVC project files that prevent compilation of a "release" build - I'll get them straightened-out and send you updated project files ASAP.


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