Re: [sigc] Interesting minor libsigc++ 2 problems

Am 2004.02.15 05:23 schrieb(en) Jeff Franks:
Murray Cumming wrote:
2. In libsigc++ 1.2 you can override a method like so:
 void do_something(const Slot0<void>& slot);
 void do_something(const Slot1<void, int>& slot);
but in libsigc++ 2 that is ambiguous when you try to call

Sorry for not giving actual compiler errors - I'm rushed.

This is a problem. I haven't written any overloaded functions that take a sigc::slot argument and so I never picked up on this before.

-> Solved in cvs (see my other mails). Thanks for pointing out the
problem. Keep reporting any troubles you have with the new API!


Is this really necessary? Could we have some intermedate sigc::slot0 and sigc::slot1 classes


or does libsigc2 recommend the use of
bound_mem_functorN<> directly.



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