[sigc] signal connection problem

Hi! I m a newbie in GTKmm and i have a problem connecting signals.
i read the libsigc++ docs on sourceforge.net but i didn t find the answer :-(

just to remind you my application, here are its main caracteristics:

i have:
- a menubar.hh for the class description and menubar.cc for the implementation. it contains a method "addbutton" which can add the MenuElem passed in parameter to the menubar.

- test.hh and test.cc: i should have named it "plugin" or "module" instead of "test"... for the moment, it just contains some infos to enable the creation of a new button in the menubar.

- a main.cc file that lauch the window and load a module (here, the "test" module). in this exemple, we just want to add a new button in the menubar, and to connect
 this button to a method of the "test" class (the method "printtest").

In the "Test" class constructor, there is a variable which i initialize like this:

ButtonName = new  Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem("test",
               SigC::slot(*this, &test::printtest) );
this variable is the one passed into parameter for call to the MenuBar::addbutton(

"printtest" is a member method defined in the test.hh file as "virtual void printtest();" it s supposed to write "test ok" in the terminal when it is called, and it is supposed to be called when i click on the "test" button in the menubar.

during the execution of my program, when i click on the "test" button, nothing happens! in fact, it seems that the connection isn t really made !?! I ve tried everything: observe execution with debugers (anjuta's and ddd), i ve tried different changes (they are commented in the following source), and either i have "internal compilator error" or no effects when i press the button... i m really out of ideas!

Here are my source files:

-----------------------------------begin test.hh-------------------------------------------

#include <gtkmm.h>

class test: public SigC::Object
 virtual ~test();
 virtual  Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem getButtonName();

 virtual void  printtest();

Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem *ButtonName;


-----------------------------------end test.hh-------------------------------------------

-----------------------------------begin test.cc-------------------------------------------

#include <iostream>
#include "test.hh"

   std::cout << "test build" << std::endl;
ButtonName = new Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem("test", Gtk::Menu::AccelKey("<control>t"),
                           SigC::slot(*this, &test::printtest) );

   delete  ButtonName;

Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem test::getButtonName()
   return *ButtonName;

void  test::printtest()
   std::cout << "test ok" << std::endl;

-----------------------------------end test.cc-------------------------------------------

-----------------------------------begin menubar.hh-------------------------------------------
#include <gtkmm.h>

//#include "test.hh"

class MenuBar : public Gtk::MenuBar
 virtual ~MenuBar();

void addButton(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem ButtonName);
//  void addButton(test ButtonName);

 //Signal handlers:
 virtual void on_menu_deals_create_new();

 //Child widgets:
 Gtk::Menu  m_Menu_Modules, m_Menu_Deals;


-----------------------------------end menubar.hh-------------------------------------------

-----------------------------------begin menubar.cc-------------------------------------------

#include <gtkmm/stock.h>
#include <iostream>

#include "menubar.hh"
//#include "test.hh"

{//Fill menus:

//Modules menu:
   Gtk::Menu::MenuList& menulist = m_Menu_Modules.items();

 //Deals menu:
   Gtk::Menu::MenuList& menulist = m_Menu_Deals.items();

   menulist.push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem("Create a New Deal",
     SigC::slot(*this, &MenuBar::on_menu_deals_create_new) ) );

 //Add the menus to the MenuBar:
items().push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem("Modules", m_Menu_Modules) );
 items().push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem("Deals", m_Menu_Deals) );



void MenuBar::on_menu_deals_create_new()
 std::cout << "NEW DEAL" << std::endl;

void MenuBar::addButton(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem ButtonName)
//add the button, but no connection...
   Gtk::Menu::MenuList& menulist = m_Menu_Modules.items();

void MenuBar::addButton(test ButtonName)
   Gtk::Menu::MenuList& menulist = m_Menu_Modules.items();
Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem toto("test", Gtk::Menu::AccelKey("<control>y"),
                     SigC::slot(*ButtonName, &test::printtest));

// menulist.push_back( Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem("test", Gtk::Menu::AccelKey("<control>t"),
//                            SigC::slot(*this, &test::printtest) ) );

-----------------------------------end menubar.cc-------------------------------------------

-----------------------------------begin main.cc-------------------------------------------

#include <gtkmm.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "menubar.hh"
#include "test.hh"

void loadmodule ();
MenuBar *adrmenuBar;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv);

 Gtk::Window window;
 window.set_title("interface easygest");
 window.set_default_size(800, 400);

 Gtk::VBox vb;

 MenuBar menuBar;
 vb.pack_start(menuBar, false, false, 0);


 loadmodule ();

 return 0;

void loadmodule()
   test toto ;
//    adrmenuBar->addButton(toto);

-----------------------------------end main.cc-------------------------------------------

thanks a lot to anyone who ll look at my problem!!!


ps: i was developping with glademm-2.2, because the 2.4 was unstable before these days. but now that it seems to be stable, i ll try with it, but i believe this has nothing to do with my case... :'(

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