Re: Re: [sigc] ANNOUNCE: libsigc++ 2.0.0

Am 14.04.2004 um 11:34 Uhr haben Sie geschrieben:
> Martin Schulze wrote:
> > *** libsigc++ 2.0
> Cool ;)
> Now I just wish I had time to use it...
> > Compatible compilers must supports the following recent c++
> > * Partial template (function) specialization.
> This is one thing that struck me as odd, because standard C++ doesn't
> partial specialization of function templates! Does it really require
this or 
> is this the failed attempt to pack too much info in one sentence?

The latter is the case. There should be two points:
* Partial template specialization
* Explicit function template specialization

The second point is still causing trouble with the Sun FORTE C++. We
thought we were there after we found out that a compiler bug prevents
this to work with operators. However, our work-around doesn't compile

> cheers and thumbs up



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