Re: [sigc] ANNOUNCE: libsigc++ 1.9.11

Am 2003.10.30 12:42 schrieb(en) Roel Vanhout:
Roel Vanhout wrote:
That's all for now, I don't have time to go any further. Please let me know if you want me to do more tests.

Well ok, I've done some more fixes :) I can now get 12 of the tests to compile, only 7 to go. You can find an updated buildlog on A diff of my changed tree to a fresh 1.9.11 release can be found on

Ah, there it is!

Um, I should have warned you: you have edited generated files!
Most .h files are generated from equally named .h.m4 files...
Doesn't matter, though. I've committed the fixes to cvs.

Could you try to build a checkout from anoncvs tomorrow or so?
The only problem left should be the one in now,
where the compiler doesn't want to handle char [] arrays.
(And the mysterious warnings about conversion from size_t to
unsigned short for std::cout << sig_xyz.size().)



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