Re: libseed-list Release?

Erm. Tarballs should go to or whatever it is, too.

— Tim {on the go}

On Sep 27, 2011, at 18:07, "Alan Knowles" <alan akbkhome com> wrote:

> It think Tim  just tag's them in git. SEED_3_2_0 was tagged on 2011-09-22, 
> That should be the current release,
> Regards
> Alan
> --- On 28/Sep/2011, august wrote: 
>> Has libseed been released?
>> I made an ubuntu package for the old version here:
>> should I update it?
>> best -august.
>>> When we have merged Alexandre's changes it would be a good time to release.
>>> He did bring up an interesting issue, as he's copying some features/code from gjs.  Basically they have been using 
>>> var x = xml_object.toJSON();
>>> in the xml and JSON libraries, however, it does not actually return JSON, rather it returns the javascript object, that can be converted to JSON.
>>> We have a few options here
>>> a) just copy gjs, and live with the slightly confusing name.
>>> b) name them correctly (eg. .toJS()) - and see if gjs want's to follow suit..
>>> c) name them correctly, and have a wrapper, that warns of the strange name, but is allows API compatiblity.
>>> Regards
>>> Alan
>>> --- On 31/Aug/2011, Tim Horton wrote: 
>>>> Hi, guys!
>>>> I've noticed a lot of activity recently, which is awesome!
>>>> Let me know if you want me to make a release some time, I'd be happy to! (also, if any of you want the ability to make releases on a more regular basis, I'm sure that could be arranged).
>>>> --Tim
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