Re: libseed-list GTK+3 example?

Gtk3 docs have been generated now, 

At the bottom of my rant about unity, there are some details on the major changes in Gtk3 that affect seed.

In this case,

The signal signature is this,
draw (Widget self, Context cr) : gboolean
function draw_arc(ctx,cr){
	print(cr); // should output [object CairoContext]

 --- On 18/May/2011, august wrote: 
> Hi Everyone,
> 	I'm struggling with a problem.  With GTK2, seed was able to draw in a
> 	widget using the expose_event signal and a callback such as this:
> 	function draw_arc(drawing_area){
> 		    var cr = new cairo.Context.from_drawable(drawing_area.window);	
> 			// .. do soem cairo stuff on cr
> 			 return false;
> 	}
> 	var d = new Gtk.DrawingArea();
> 	d.signal.expose_event.connect(draw_arc);
> 	In GTK3, I see there is a "draw" signal that one can connect to.
> 	However, instead of a Cairo.context as a parameter, I still get a
> 	[object GtkDrawingArea].
> 	function draw_arc(ctx){
> 			print(ctx); // outputs [object GtkDrawingArea]
> 	}
> 	var d = new Gtk.DrawingArea();
> 	d.signal.draw.connect(draw_arc);
> 	Any ideas or suggestions here?  How do I get a Cario context in
> 	GTK+-3?
> 	Thanks -august.
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