libseed-list module import suggestion

Currently, importing another JS file imports all toplevel variables. This is not very nice, since you can't have private stuff without resorting to some hack like this:
var _exports = (function() {
    var x = 123;
    var y = 42;
    var f = function() { print(x) };

    return {

for(var k in _exports) {
    this[k] = _exports[k];

I suggest that if a variable EXPORTS is found, only the symbols listed in it will be exported:

seed_importer_handle_file() would then do something like this:

  if global.EXPORTS exist and isArray:
     exports = newEmptyObject()
     for each s in EXPORTS:
        exports[s] = global[s]
     exports = global

  return exports

One could additionally have a naming convention where symbols prefixed with underscore is ignored unless EXPORTS is defined.
What do you think?


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