Re: [libpeas] New module proposal: libpeas

Am Montag, den 04.10.2010, 13:10 +0200 schrieb Steve Frécinaux:
> I'd like to propose libpeas as part of the desktop release set

Module proposal period has ended[1] and module inclusion discussion
should heat up now. 
On November 8th, Module Freeze takes place: New modules and
functionality for GNOME 2.91 will be chosen[2]. Around that time the
GNOME Release Team will meet & decide about the proposed modules.

Readers: If you feel that something important hasn't been mentioned yet
about this module, speak up now by replying.

Maintainers: If some important things have changed in the meantime, e.g.
improvements or reactions on feedback: Tell us about it now!


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