Re: Gee libgee versioning?

On Sun, 2013-07-14 at 19:41 +0100, Peter Oliver wrote:
My Fedora 19 system includes the following packages.  I'll admit to being rather confused by all the 
different version numbers.  Can anyone shed any light on how libgee-0.6.8 becomes gee-1.0, but 
libgee-0.10.1 becomes gee-0.8?  Is gee-0.8 newer/better than gee-1.0?

Yes, it is confusing (you are not the first one to ask) - we are stuck
with current situation for good or bad.

History is that 0.6 was long running branch which used -1.0 suffix (as
well as 0.1-0.5 series) and it become more widely used. 0.8 have broken
the backward compatibility and had the suffix changed. 0.10 is and 0.12
will be backward compatible with 0.8 and they have the same suffix.

0.6 branch is currently obsolete and is not ('officially') maintained.

Best regards

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