Re: Gee [Vala] .ReadOnlyMap could not be found?

>public Gee.Map<string,Wiz.File> streams {
>       get { return _streams.read_only_view; }

ok. sorry, I'm not familiar with c# property. but now,
i see it, so it's no problem. thanks.

2009/12/24, Didier 'Ptitjes' <ptitjes free fr>:
> san hoi wrote:
>> Thanks!
>>> Use Gee.Map as type and use my_map.read_only_view to retrieve the
>>> read-only view for my_map.
>> umm...but I don't know how to use it.
>> Is there a sample code?
> Is there something unclear in the three documents I linked ? Or did you
> find it easier to ask than to read them ?
> read_only_view is a property on the Map interface :
> Or do you mean that you need sample code to use a property ?
> Anyway...
> public Gee.Map<string,Wiz.File> streams {
> 	get { return _streams.read_only_view; }
> }
>> 2009/12/23, Didier 'Ptitjes' <ptitjes free fr>:
>>> Didier 'Ptitjes' wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> [Cross-posting on gee-list gnome org]
>>>> san hoi wrote:
>>>>> wizbit/commit.vala:63.10-63.41: error: The type name `Gee.ReadOnlyMap'
>>>>> could not be found
>>>>>         public Gee.ReadOnlyMap<string,Wiz.File> streams {
>>>>> [...]
>>>>> umm... Gee.HashMap is ok, but Gee.ReadOnlyMap is error.
>>>>> ReadOnlyMap is deprecated?
>>>> Yeah ReadOnlyMap does not exist anymore. Use Gee.Map as type and use
>>>> my_map.read_only_view to retrieve the read-only view for my_map.
>>>> See
>>>> and
>>> Also the API docs might be of interest for you ( has not been
>>> updated yet)

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