[libcroco-list] Unknown functional notations


  I finally got around to build libcroco (0.5.1) on Win32 again and
trying to play a bit with the code, so expect some dump questions :-)
It seems that unknown functional notations are not reported to the
property handler, for example

  w { x: y(z) }

I would expect that

  lu.getLexicalUnitType() == SAC_FUNCTION &&
  lu.getFunctionName() == "y" &&
  lu.getParameters().getLexicalUnitType() == SAC_IDENT &&
  lu.getParameters().getLexicalUnitType().getStringValue() == "z"

in SAC terms, but for the style sheet above my handler does not even
get called... It works for url(), and rgb(), but e.g. for

  :before { content: attr(title) }

it does neither call my handler, even though that is legal CSS 2.0,
likewise for the equally legal

    src: local("BT Century 751 No. 2 Semi Bold Italic");

How would I access these?


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