Connecting event to underlying actor widget

I'd like to integrate libchamplain to the tryton client. So I am
currently playing a bit with the library and I am trying to do a
simple application in python (code at the bottom).

My first issue is at line 20. I'd like to connect the motion event to
a callback but I never receive any event. I tried other events without
any success. Is there anything specific to do ?

Another issue is on lines 12-18, I can not select the MapSource I want
to display, I always use the same tileset …

By the way I tried to print
champlain_embeded.get_map_source.get_name() and my application
crashed. I am using libchamplain 0.12.0.

Any thank you for libchamplain it looks really intersting.

00    import sys
02    from gi.repository import Gtk
03    from gi.repository import Gdk
04    from gi.repository import Clutter
05    from gi.repository import Champlain
06    from gi.repository import GtkChamplain
08    def main():
09        Clutter.init(sys.argv)
10        window = Gtk.Window()
11        window.connect('destroy', Gtk.main_quit)
12        source_factory = Champlain.MapSourceFactory.dup_default()
13        print source_factory
15        champlain_embeded = GtkChamplain.Embed()
16        champlain_view = champlain_embeded.props.champlain_view
17        new_source = source_factory.create_cached_source(Champlain.MAP_SOURCE_OSM_CYCLE_MAP)
18        champlain_view.set_map_source(new_source)
19        champlain_view.props.keep_center_on_resize = False
20        champlain_view.connect('motion-event', test)
21        champlain_embeded.connect('scroll-event', scroll_map)
22        champlain_embeded.connect('button-press-event', move_map)
23        champlain_embeded.connect('key-press-event', key_press)
24        window.add(champlain_embeded)
26        window.show_all()
27        Gtk.main()
29    def scroll_map(champlain_embeded, event):
30        view = champlain_embeded.props.champlain_view
31        if event.direction == Gdk.ScrollDirection.UP:
32            view.zoom_in()
33        else:
34            view.zoom_out()
36    def move_map(champlain_embeded, event):
37        view = champlain_embeded.props.champlain_view
38        longitude = view.x_to_longitude(event.x)
39        latitude = view.y_to_latitude(event.y)
40        view.center_on(latitude, longitude)
42    def key_press(champlain_embeded, event):
43        if event.keyval in (ord('q'), ord('Q')):
44            Gtk.main_quit()
46    def test(champlain_view, event):
47        print event, type(event)
49    if __name__ == '__main__':
50        main()

(°> Nicolas Évrard
( ) Liège

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