Re: Map centre point - zoom level

On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 11:32 AM, Colin Clark <cclark mcb net> wrote:

I have found a problem when moving the map centre point with the zoom level already set to a high level.

This can also be demonstrated with the launcher-gtk demo program. If I change line 164 to set the initial zoom level to 10 or higher, the map is centred on an incorrect (but consistent for each zoom level) point.
When this happens, are the tiles rendered? Do you see a map? Since a few days my demos don't work, when I start the application with a predefined zoom level the map is gray. I have to completely zoom out until the first zoom level and then the maps will render. The strange thing is that markers are displayed at the right place, but I have not tiles.

Thanks for the rapid help with the previous problem.

Colin Clark..

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