Re: [LIBART] clipping

>>>>> "Bruce" == Bruce Q Hammond <bruceq hammondranch com> writes:

    Bruce> This is a nice document.  I wish it had existed when I
    Bruce> started with Libart.  :-)

I found another nice document -

    Bruce> The SVP intersect code might be exactly what you want.  I
    Bruce> had forgotten about that until I looked at the overview.

    Bruce> I didn't use that in the general case for my app, since I
    Bruce> wanted to be able to do weird compositing and masking of
    Bruce> bitmaps and also I wanted any imaginable bit depth and byte
    Bruce> ordering for the pixel buffer that libart was rendering
    Bruce> into.  I have a bunch of C++ code that does this stuff. If
    Bruce> you want I can give it to you.  It won't compile
    Bruce> stand-alone, but it is something to look at that does
    Bruce> interesting thing with the libart library.

Please send it along, if only for educational purposes.

BTW, I still haven't found any reference to the ability you referred
to do simple rectangular clips, outside the aforementioned


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