[GNOME LaTeX] GNOME LaTeX 3.28.0


I've released the first stable version of GNOME LaTeX.

It's a bit late, GNOME 3.28.0 was released several weeks ago. But I
didn't want to wait until GNOME 3.30 in September. What was missing, and
is now done, is to import the settings from LaTeXila, so that you don't
lose all your settings ;-)

Another thing missing but which doesn't depend on me is to create a new
icon. Maybe for 3.28.1?


News 3.27.2 -> 3.28.0

* Changes for packagers:
 - New dependency: dconf.
 - Note that since the 3.27.2 version, the project has been renamed from
   latexila to gnome-latex.

* User-visible changes:
 - On first launch of GNOME LaTeX, import LaTeXila settings and user
   data/config files.
 - Change Find and Replace shortcut to Ctrl+H, to be like in gedit (thanks to
   Robert Griesel).
 - Update/improve the user documentation for the spell-checking.
 - Translation updates.

* Under the hood changes:
 - Project moved to GNOME GitLab.
 - Apply GtkSourceView coding style to *.c files.
 - Reduce delta between Vala and C coding styles.
 - Improve documentation for contributors.
 - Finish to port the Math menu to GAction (thanks to Robert Griesel).

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