[LaTeXila] LaTeXila 3.14


LaTeXila 3.14 has been released. Yes you've well read, there is no typo,
the version has been bumped from 2.12 to 3.14 to follow GNOME versions.
It is easier.

Apart from that, no major code changes this time around.

Thanks to Alexander Wilms for the new build tools icons.


News (2.12 -> 3.14)

* Now LaTeXila follows the GNOME versions
* Better icons
* Upgrade to gee-0.8
* Other small improvements

About latexila

LaTeXila is an Integrated LaTeX Environment for GNOME, written in

The main features:

- Customizable buttons to compile, convert and view a document in one

- LaTeX commands completion

- Document structure to easily navigate in it

- Forward and backward search with SyncTeX

- Spell checking

- Lists of symbols (Greek letters, arrows, etc)

- Templates for creating new documents

- Easy projects management

- Some menus and toolbars with the principal LaTeX commands

https://download.gnome.org/sources/latexila/3.14/latexila-3.14.0.tar.xz (1.08M)
  sha256sum: 95f48e3f23a57cc005ecd3ac91c56bdae1f530443dac5f7d4161e5401ff0f227

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