[LaTeXila] [ANNOUNCE] LaTeXila 2.7.0 (beta)


Here is the first development release of the 2.7.x series that will lead 
to the next stable version 2.8.

There are not a lot of big changes, as I'm working more on 

Note however that Latexmk >= 4.31 (March 2012) is now required.


About latexila

LaTeXila is an Integrated LaTeX Environment for GNOME, written in

The main features:

- Customizable buttons to compile, convert and view a document in one

- LaTeX commands completion

- Document structure to easily navigate in it

- Forward and backward search with SyncTeX

- Spell checking

- Lists of symbols (Greek letters, arrows, etc)

- Templates for creating new documents

- Easy projects management

- Some menus and toolbars with the principal LaTeX commands

News (2.6.2 -> 2.7.0)

- Insert table and tabular: more complete example
- Changes in the toolbars
- Build tools: use shorter options with Latexmk
- Build tools: remove support of Rubber
- Misc bug fixes
- Translations updates

http://download.gnome.org/sources/latexila/2.7/latexila-2.7.0.tar.xz (1.02M)
  sha256sum: 39475eb4a0ce41cd8028af6b5abe6248b446faee383bf0b28c5765b1238c2991

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