las-gnome Current finance numbers for LAS GNOME

Here are the current numbers:

Total Income: $12,500
Total Expense:  $11,358.67

We are $1,141.33 in the black.  So we are in great shape, we did not cost the foundation any money thus far. (well if we don't include travel)

We still have to spend on:

1) catering - so we have some croissants that we have to spend, but I don't think it will cost us more than $200.00 - $95 for 60 croissants, and of course coffee.

In regards to just beverages, we can probably just buy or get some glass pitchers and just have water and cups.  Or we can price out a new one with the venue with the current registration numbers.

I have attached the budget spreadsheet.


Attachment: LAS-GNOME-Budget-12-09-2016.ods
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet

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