Cycling referencing causing memory leak

In creating GTK+ bindings for SML with (supposedly) automatic memory management, I found a subtle way that memory was being leaked and no obvious neat solution. As far as I can see, it is an issue when using ref/unref from garbage collector hooks where the garbage collector uses normal reachability analysis. I'd be grateful if anyone has any ideas or can tell me what I'm missing.

(I recently posted this on gtk-list in response to someone seeing similar symptoms, without response.)

The issue occurs when a callback function F is called via a closure C that is connected to a signal of an object A where
1. the body of F explicitly refers to A
2. A is an object that does not receive a destroy signal, e.g. GtkTextBuffer. Then, the callback is not automatically disconnected from A as there is no destroy signal by 2, so C is not unref'd. Without unref'ing C, F is not unref'd. By 1, A is not unref'd. I.e. there is a cycle
  A -> C -> F -> A
Unfortunately, the reachability analysis performed by the garbage collector doesn't see this cycle. Effectively we just have
  C -> F -> A
The garbage collector doesn't know that C still exists just because a signal is connected in A.

My current work-around is to have a 'ChildSignal' abstraction, where a signal connection also specifies a parent object derived from GtkWidget and the signal is disconnected by the parent's destroy signal.

How do other bindings deal with this situation?


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