Re: Support for a new scripting language.

> I lead a project for a new embeddable open source scripting language
> called "The Falcon Programming Language":

I'm just skimming over the survival guide, and whilst I'm a fan of
more open source, I'm wondering why, practically speaking, I would
choose Falcon over Python (or Ruby, for those who swing that way).
Sure, there are features here and there (like the .= operator, the
continue dropping statement, $ aliases and # evals), but Python is
pretty good, it's proven, and I would need convincing to switch over.
Can you convince me?

Also, one of the declared goals is a simple but elegant grammar, but
then things like "=" meaning both assignment and equality seems
inelegant to me, since it special-cases this line of code:
a = 0 and print( "a > 0" ) or print( "a <= 0" )

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