Re: kupfer open .desktop files as text instead "run" them

On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 10:22 PM, Karol Będkowski
<karol bedkowski gmail com> wrote:
> 2012-12-31 13:24:59 Daniel Antonio <souliaq gmail com>:
>>I'm using Lubuntu 12.10 (64) with Kupfer v208, this works great in
>>general way, but I created a folder with ".desktop" files to "index"
>>some specified folders. If I do dobleclick over them (in pcmanfm) they
>>sendme to the desired folder (like a LNK in Windows). But when kupfer
>>use this instead of sendme to the specified folder, kupfer opens
>>the .desktop file with leafpad.
> Hi,
> You can do:
> 1. put your .desktop files i~/.local/share/applications one of
>    directories when are this files usually stored
>    (i.e. ~/.local/share/applications)
> or
> 2. Create in above directory file XdgOpen.desktop that runs xdg-open
>    and set default default application for .desktop files to XdgOpen
>    (in Kupfer, by selecting any .desktop file -> Set Default
>    Application -> XdgOpen)

What is actually wrong with real symlinks? The work just as much as
lnk files in windows.

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