Re: Kupfer process hangs at shutdown

2012/1/22 Tobias Preuss <tobias preuss googlemail com>:
> Hi SanskritFritz.
> Gnome Session Management was enabled. I disabled it though it does not
> affect the blockage.


Connecting to the Gnome session is not part of that plugin -- it's in
the core, it just tries to access any session manager it knows of (in

Two helpful things to would be the output of each of:

kupfer --debug > kupfer_log_1 2>&1

(Log out, then log back in and submit the log (privately to me or in public))

Also try

KUPFER_NO_CACHE=1 kupfer --debug > kupfer_log_2  2>&1

and log out and come back in and submit that log, see if anything changes.


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