Re: Session handling (was: Saving data after each action)

2011/3/9 SanskritFritz <sanskritfritz gmail com>:
>> On the side note, I can see this message in the stdout:
>> [kupfer.ui.session] SessionClient: Warning: Not able to connect to
>> current desktop session, please Quit before logout to save kupfer's
>> data.
>> I'm using standalone compiz started with startx. How can I create this
>> desktop sesssion? What is it?
> Can someone please direct me to a good documentation about this?

I have no idea -- the old protocol is called XSMP (X Session Manager
Protocol) and as a last fallback kupfer tries to find the python
module "gnome" which will speak that protocol. Note the irony in that
we use a 'gnome' module (this is a long-deprecated thing) for
cross-desktop support. I don't know at the moment which desktops use
this protocol at all, but it seems it is being migrated away from.

As a first priority, Kupfer tries to connect to
org.gnome.SessionManager over D-Bus and then tries
org.xfce.SessionManager. That's all that's implemented at this time.


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