Trying to build git-head

I try to build kupfer from the git, based on this AUR script:

This is how I modified it (basically just threw outdated waf out, installing it separately as makedepend):

... [snip]
makedepends=('git' 'python2-waf')
... [snip]

  # Python2 fixes
  export PYTHON="/usr/bin/python2"

  sed \
        -e "s_env python_&2_" \
        -e "s_bin/python_&2_" \
        -i `grep -rlE "(env python|bin/python)" .`

  waf configure --prefix=/usr

package() {
  cd "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"

  waf install -f --destdir="$pkgdir/"

Now when I run makepkg, waf complains like this:

Setting top to                           : /Common/Builds/aur/kupfer-git/src/kupfer-build
Setting out to                           : /Common/Builds/aur/kupfer-git/src/kupfer-build/build
Checking for program python              : /usr/bin/python2
Checking for python version              : (2, 7, 1, 'final', 0)
Checking for program msgfmt              : /usr/bin/msgfmt
Checking for program perl                : /usr/bin/perl
Checking for 'intltool-merge'            : /usr/bin/intltool-merge
Checking for program xml2po              : not found
Could not find the program xml2po
(complete log in /Common/Builds/aur/kupfer-git/src/kupfer-build/build/config.log)

What is this xml2po, and is it really necessary? Sadly there is no package for it in the aur.

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