Re: File selection in nautilus doesn't work

2010/9/22 Christoph Siegenthaler <christoph siegenthaler gmail com>:
> Hi
> I don't seem to be able to get file selection in nautilus working with
> kupfer. I installed kupfer v202, python-nautilus and obviously nautilus.
> Nautilus plugin is active in kupfer but if I have nautilus running, select a
> file and open kupfer it just displays the selected text.
> Any hints or ideas?
> Best regards, Chris


It should work if you restart nautilus after installing
Kupfer/Kupfer's nautilus plugin. In Kupfer you press Ctrl+G to bring
up the selected file(s). If it doesn't work, look for errors in
~/.xsession-errors or in Kupfer's output in a terminal. It may be
something related to Nautilus' plugin install path
/usr/lib/nautilus/extensions-2.0/  vs
/usr/lib/nautilus/extensions-1.0/   all these possibilities can be
tried, if it is something like this, then it's a problem that we
haven't seen yet.


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